The Jolt Effect - Tethr

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The Jolt Effect: How High Performers Overcome Customer Indecision

by Matthew Dixon, Ted McKenna
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From the bestselling co-authors of The Challenger Sale comes a paradigm-shattering approach to closing more sales by overcoming something worse than “no” - customer indecision.

Sales experts Matthew Dixon and Ted McKenna analyzed 2.5 million sales calls using  Tethr, an AI platform that evaluates the nuanced meanings in conversations. What they found surprised them - and uncovered an untapped reason that between 40% and 60% of sales end up indefinitely stalled.

By using Tethr’s advanced conversation analytics, they built a predictive model that showed, with tremendous accuracy, what exactly happened in the sales conversations that led to closed sales.

When a customer says  "I need to think about it," many sales agents follow the deeply entrenched business advice to double down on your efforts to sell a buyer on all the ways they might win by choosing you and your business.

The AI-powered analysis showed that traditional approaches after customers signaled indecision can backfire dramatically. Why? It ignores that once purchase intent is established, customers no longer care about succeeding. What they really care about is not failing.

Their research also reveals the surprising truth that high-performing sales reps grasp and their average-performing peers don't: only by addressing the customer's fear of failure can you get indecisive buyers to go from verbally committing to actually pulling the trigger.

Packed with robust data, counterintuitive insights, and practical guidance, The JOLT Effect is the playbook for any salesperson or sales leader who wants to close the gap between customer intent and action--and close more sales.

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