d.school Ordering Page Winter 2022

The Stanford d.school series of books is designed to help you adapt to change, see things in new ways, work well with others, and design your way toward our collective future.
Choose from our book bundles below for a steep discount off the cover price! 

Creative Acts for Curious People, by d.school Executive Director Sarah Stein Greenberg, and our first seven d.school guides are available, with more titles to come in 2023 and 2024! 

*Additional information: Orders will be shipping from Porchlight Book Company. Porchlight does not sell customer data or share customer data with any third parties. 


All Ten Guides

Price: $128.00/ea — List price: $160.00

All Ten Guides + A Special Capstone Book!

Sign up to order a suite of eleven Stanford d.school books!

You’ll get a bunch of books now, followed by shipments of new titles as soon as they come out…

The first seven d.school guides will be sent to you right away! Then, you’ll receive three more guides as soon as they come out in late 2023. As a special gift, the d.school’s much anticipated capstone book on our collective futures will ship to your doorstep in Spring of 2024.

That’s eleven books in all!

Your library will include all ten d.school guides—Drawing on Courage, Design for Belonging, Navigating Ambiguity, The Secret Language of Maps, This is a Prototype, Creative Hustle, and You Need a Manifesto will ship immediately; Experiments in Reflection, Design for Social Change, and Make Possibilities Happen will ship in late 2023. Plus, an additional stand-alone book that takes a deep look at how we might use design to shape the future will arrive in April, 2024.

It’s a bevy of d.school mindsets and skill sets ready, waiting, and looking good on your bookshelf!

This package does not include Creative Acts for Curious People.


New Releases Bundle

Price: $40.00/ea — List price: $50.00

The newest d.school guides continue the series with a focus on the maker’s mindset and essential tactics for putting purposeful work into the world.

This Is a Prototype gives you the tools to test your ideas and invent your way to novel solutions.

You Need a Manifesto takes you on a hands-on journey to uncover your values, sharpen your ethics, and put your voice to work.

Creative Hustle maps a creative path to realizing your own unique goals through tapping into  your principles, practices, and community.


Entrepreneur Toolkit

Price: $36.80/ea — List price: $46.00

The Entrepreneur Toolkit is a bundle of three d.school guides that will help you find your way, whether you’re launching a product, a company, or your career.

Navigating Ambiguity is your guide to finding your way when the answers aren’t clear, but the opportunities are endless.

Creative Hustle maps a creative path to realizing your own unique goals through tapping into your principles, practices, and community.

Drawing on Courage shows you how to be bold enough to act and brave enough to stay true to your values.


Designer's Bookshelf

Price: $36.80/ea — List price: $46.00

The Designer’s Bookshelf is packed with fundamentals for makers—people whose work it is to make sense of things, make change, and make a difference.

Through a mystery story and delightfully accessible illustrations,The Secret Language of Maps digs into how to make sense of data and craft compelling stories with it.

Navigating Ambiguity helps you find your way through sticky problems where there are many paths to choose from.

This Is a Prototype sets you up with ways to navigate new territory and bring new ideas to life.


Put Your Values to Work Bundle

Price: $36.80/ea — List price: $46.00

The Put Your Values to Work pack will help you find your sense of purpose and put it to use in the world.

You Need a Manifesto takes you along a journey to find your values and use them to guide your work and life.

Good ideas and well-honed skills don’t mean much unless you have the courage to act. Drawing on Courage helps you do just that.

Design for Belonging demystifies the ethereal art of helping people feel a sense of belonging—a critical tool for any leader, community member, or parent.


Creative Acts for Curious People

by Sarah Stein Greenberg, Stanford D School
Price: $22.40/ea — List price: $28.00

Looking for Creative Acts for Curious People?

Order now and we'll ship your book right away!

d.school executive director Sarah Stein Greenberg shares her collection of over eighty exercises honed in the classrooms of the d.school by some of the world's most inventive and unconventional minds. It’s a provocative and highly visual companion teeming with ideas about discovery, learning, and leading the way through unknown creative territory.

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