From Ideas to Impact - Pre-sale

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Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World

by Michael Sheldrick
Limit 99

PRE-ORDER for 04/09/2024

Accelerate your real-world, social impact by driving systemic policy changes

In From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World, Michael Sheldrick, author and Co-Founder of Global Citizen - where he has worked with governments, businesses, foundations, the artist community, and everyday citizens to distribute over $40 billion around the world over the past decade, delivers an inspiring and insightful discussion on how to implement social impact by driving policy change.

This book reveals key characteristics of successful policy entrepreneurs - visionaries bridging the gap between promises and real-world outcomes. They are practical implementers who put impact first, resisting the urge to pursue the instant dopamine boost that comes from simply winning arguments at all costs. They are connectors and networkers who build diverse coalitions and broker win-win solutions to address our current implementation crisis. You'll also find:

  • An overview of pressing challenges to avoid, including an obsession with winning arguments at the expense of results, demands for unwavering tribal loyalty, and a counterproductive aversion to negotiation.
  • An eight-step playbook offering tools to master policy entrepreneurship, foster cooperation, build bridges, and drive policy implementation beyond stagnation, conflict, and polarization.
  • Diverse policy entrepreneurs and examples spanning historical movements like the Transatlantic Slave Trade and FDR's New Deal to contemporary battles for climate justice, coal community transitions, and grassroots gender equality efforts.

An indispensable guide for individual changemakers, philanthropists, corporate social responsibility (CSR) practitioners, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) professionals, policymakers, corporate foundations, and higher education students, From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World is essential reading for those committed to creating systematic policy change in our tumultuous world.

At its core, this uplifting book instills hope that change is achievable despite our divisions. It showcases how individuals at all levels pursue systemic policy change through united voices, cooperation, and solidarity. The book equips readers with the tools to craft impactful narratives that can inspire countless more success stories, fostering even greater hope. It reinforces the idea that we are not prisoners of fate, and actual change begins with us.

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